Leadership and innovation in the fintech industry – an interview with Rucsandra Larisa Stanciu

Rucsandra Larisa Stanciu appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer

Rucsandra Larisa Stanciu successfully led Ecofinance in Romania operations for seven years and now will take on the role of Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In this new position, she will oversee the Ecofinance executive team and manage the company’s operations. Take a moment to find out more about her journey in the finance sector, the core values driving the success of Ecofinance, and a forward-looking perspective on the future of fintech.

Q: Can you share your professional background and what led you to join Ecofinance seven years ago?

Rucsandra: My entire career before joining Ecofinance has been dedicated to the finance sector, including roles in banks and non-banking financial institutions. I have experience in various areas such as sales management and operations, expansion, team management, recruitment, product management, and training — all within the financial sector, including lending.

Seven years ago, I was presented with a highly challenging opportunity. At that time, Ecofinance in Romania was merely an idea. I was tasked with building the entire operation from scratch in a highly regulated environment. The complexity and regulatory requirements in the market added to the challenge, making it an even more compelling opportunity. My passion for overcoming challenges and building something new from the ground up led me to join Ecofinance and take on this role.

What are your main priorities as the CEO?

Given the status of Ecofinance, one of my main priorities will be to enhance the internal climate within the team. Even in a remote environment, since we operate in multiple countries and are physically separated, I aim to foster a warm climate and a sense of closeness among team members. It’s important that everyone feels they are part of the team, even without being physically present. Engaging the team in the vision of Ecofinance and creating more transparency about our direction and status is essential.

Operationally, our focus will be on geographical expansion. Another priority is to continue automating processes to improve the client experience and the quality of interactions throughout the customer lifecycle. With automatization and digitalization, we can significantly improve the user experience. Staying up to date with trends and leveraging the latest digital tools available in the market will also be a key focus for me.

What are the core values and principles that you believe should drive Ecofinance forward?

I firmly believe that the greatest asset of a company is its team. This belief is encapsulated in one of our core values: “team as a force”. My past experiences and recent years at Ecofinance reflect this principle. I have focused extensively on building a strong team, staying close, and investing in them. This investment has directly contributed to the success that Ecofinance in Romania has enjoyed and continues to enjoy. A robust team is foundational to our achievements.

Another core value is growing talent. As a manager, your effectiveness is reflected in the quality and capabilities of your team. By investing in the team’s development, you naturally foster talent. When you nurture your team, talent and growth emerge organically, much like flowers blooming in a garden that is well maintained.

Additionally, open communication is vital. This has been a cornerstone of Ecofinance for many years and is an area where we excel. While we have structured processes for approvals, our day-to-day communication remains open and accessible. This open communication culture is something I deeply believe in and see as bringing substantial value. It ensures transparency and fosters a collaborative environment where everyone feels engaged and valued.

Where do you see the fintech industry now and how do you see it evolving in the future?

Saying in Romania states that someone can grow in one year like others in ten. In the fintech industry it is the same, we can see that it has evolved immensely in just a few years. Currently, it is challenging to forecast even a year ahead, given the rapid emergence of new technologies.

We are now in the AI era – a game changer for the industry – that will transform customer interactions, back-office operations, and decision-making processes. Currently, data analysts review data, hold meetings, brainstorm, and make data-driven decisions. In the future, AI could perform these tasks in seconds, analyzing data and suggesting changes to improve processes instantly.

What new products or services can we expect to see in the next few years?

We have a few surprises that we hope to announce soon. In addition to these new offerings, we are focused on improving our existing products, particularly features and customer experience.

I can confidently say that our upcoming products will integrate advancements in AI and automation. This will contribute to a more seamless and efficient client experience, aligning with the evolving trends and technological innovations in the industry.

Can you share an experience from your career that has significantly shaped how you approach leadership?

Reflecting on my career, I can identify several examples and individuals who have influenced my approach to managing and leading people. A common trait I have adopted is leading by example. When people see their leader actively participating and believing in the mission, it builds trust and motivation. A leader who merely gives orders without demonstrating commitment is less effective.

However, for senior teams, like the executive managers I work with now, leadership involves creating and communicating a clear vision. It’s vital to explain the “why” behind goals, helping the team understand the rationale and their roles in achieving the vision.

Open communication is another essential element. Maintaining flat and open communication fosters closeness and team cohesion. Making time for one-on-one interactions, even brief ones, is important. Sometimes, just spending five minutes exchanging small questions or giving a compliment can significantly enhance team spirit and engagement.

What advice would you give to young professionals aspiring to enter the fintech industry?

The fintech industry evolves daily, new developments and changes occur all the time. To succeed, you must be highly flexible and possess a high tolerance for change. Without these traits, it will be challenging to thrive in this industry.

Before entering the industry, take a moment to assess yourself as a professional and understand what you enjoy. If you prefer stability and need to know the long-term plan and roadmap, you might find a better fit in a different field.

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